In 1929 when the stock market crashed, the upper tax bracket for the rich was only 24%... Today in 2009 it is 35%. But when America was at our greatest, during the 1940's-1960's, the upper tax rate for rich Americans was 88%-94%!
All through the 1950s and early 1960s the upper tax rate for the rich was over 90% and anybody old enough can tell you that those were the years when America was the strongest and happiest and most prosperous.
During those years you could make a very good living and support your family and buy a house and a car, all on just one salary, while working at the most modest jobs in America. You could have a very good life for a whole family all supported by just one 'burger-flipper, or elevator operator, or simply pumping gas! Jobs that Rush Limbaugh now mocks people for having, used to be good paying jobs.
Wake up, you've been lied to.
First, as for WWII getting us out of the Depression and not FDR's public spending... the money spent on WWII...W A S...P U B L I C...S P E N D I N G...
It was the public spending of the war, along with the FDR public works spending that ended the Great Depression. If there had been no war, then FDR would have had to spend even more money on public works in order to end the Depression.
You also must remember that this spending was not wasted because improving our Infrastructure actually increases the value of our land by making a more productive base for commerce to flourish. Better roads, rail, electric grid, communications grid, make the very land more valuable to the business world.
We paid for this by having an upper tax rate of 88% for rich people all during the 1940s and then we raised the tax rate to 94% to help pay for all of this. Our upper tax rate stayed above 90% from 1944-1963. During this time Eisenhower built our entire Interstate Expressway system!This was America at our best at our very peak!
Now our rates are all the way down to 35% for the rich and look where we are. Limbaugh and Hannity have been lying about America's tax and financial history for years. You can check these facts in any encyclopedia, or at this link...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Cop the Prof. and the Prez.
Obama said the right thing in saying it was stupid to arrest a man on a false alarm in his own home.
Ever since the drug war started in the 70's and arresting people became a revenue stream cops have gotten more and more agressive and more hated by the public.
I lived in Boston for a couple of years in the early 90s. I saw a lot of racism. One day as I walked down Commonwealth Avenue , in the shadow of the giant CITGO sign, I passed an elderly black man walking the opposite way on the sidewalk.
As I nodded, a car full of young white men drove past us and shouted "n*****" in unison. As I barked "F*** you!" they retorted "n***** lover!" and sped away.
I looked back at the gentleman and said, "I'm sorry about that."He just smiled a sad smile and said, "That's OK," and kept on walking.
Ironically, that's the only time anyone ever called me that to my face - not far from John F. Kennedy's childhood home.
Ever since the drug war started in the 70's and arresting people became a revenue stream cops have gotten more and more agressive and more hated by the public.
I lived in Boston for a couple of years in the early 90s. I saw a lot of racism. One day as I walked down Commonwealth Avenue , in the shadow of the giant CITGO sign, I passed an elderly black man walking the opposite way on the sidewalk.
As I nodded, a car full of young white men drove past us and shouted "n*****" in unison. As I barked "F*** you!" they retorted "n***** lover!" and sped away.
I looked back at the gentleman and said, "I'm sorry about that."He just smiled a sad smile and said, "That's OK," and kept on walking.
Ironically, that's the only time anyone ever called me that to my face - not far from John F. Kennedy's childhood home.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Iran hoopla...
I think that there is clearly a PR campaign going on concerning this issue which is designed to roil Iranian and US relations. By who? Probably the same old culprits, the Neo-Convicts and AIPAC...Here's what I mean.
Why is everyone so 'sure' that the election was stolen when no one has any pre- or post- election polls to go by?
Why is there so little mention that the challenger has been a big part of Iranian gov. for years, so he's not such a 'revolutionary' as he is portrayed?
We already take it for granted that Iran is a theocracy and the numbers of people in the streets is small compared to the total population.
No one reporting ever mentions that our biggest trading partner never even pretends to hold elections....China. And yet so many are clearly pushing for Obama to threaten Iran...
This whole thing smells just like the phony build-up to the Iraq war.
Why is everyone so 'sure' that the election was stolen when no one has any pre- or post- election polls to go by?
Why is there so little mention that the challenger has been a big part of Iranian gov. for years, so he's not such a 'revolutionary' as he is portrayed?
We already take it for granted that Iran is a theocracy and the numbers of people in the streets is small compared to the total population.
No one reporting ever mentions that our biggest trading partner never even pretends to hold elections....China. And yet so many are clearly pushing for Obama to threaten Iran...
This whole thing smells just like the phony build-up to the Iraq war.
Monday, May 18, 2009
...O B A M A...O N E...S T E P...A H E A D...A G A I N...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tax Facts for Hannitized Ditto-Heads.
Welcome new visitors to Superleft. I hope you heard my 'guest spot' on C-Span Sunday morning (I was just a caller) you can e-mail me at
Here is a re-post of the message I referred to on C-Span. The facts can be checked here
In 1929 when the stock market crashed, the upper tax bracket for the rich was only 24%... Today in 2009 it is 35%. But when America was at our greatest, during the 1940's-1960's, the upper tax rate for rich Americans was 88%-94%!
All through the 1950s and early 1960s the upper tax rate for the rich was over 90% and anybody old enough can tell you that those were the years when America was the strongest and happiest and most prosperous.
During those years you could make a very good living and support your family and buy a house and a car, all on just one salary, while working at the most modest jobs in America. You could have a very good life for a whole family all supported by just one 'burger-flipper, or elevator operator, or simply pumping gas! Jobs that Rush Limbaugh now mocks people for having, used to be good paying jobs.
Wake up, you've been lied to.
First, as for WWII getting us out of the Depression and not FDR's public spending... the money spent on WWII...W A S...P U B L I C...S P E N D I N G...
It was the public spending of the war, along with the FDR public works spending that ended the Great Depression. If there had been no war, then FDR would have had to spend even more money on public works in order to end the Depression.
You also must remember that this spending was not wasted because improving our Infrastructure actually increases the value of our land by making a more productive base for commerce to flourish. Better roads, rail, electric grid, communications grid, make the very land more valuable to the business world.
We paid for this by having an upper tax rate of 88% for rich people all during the 1940s and then we raised the tax rate to 94% to help pay for all of this. Our upper tax rate stayed above 90% from 1944-1963. During this time Eisenhower built our entire Interstate Expressway system!This was America at our best at our very peak!
Now our rates are all the way down to 35% for the rich and look where we are. Limbaugh and Hannity have been lying about America's tax and financial history for years. You can check these facts in any encyclopedia, or at this link...
Here is a re-post of the message I referred to on C-Span. The facts can be checked here
In 1929 when the stock market crashed, the upper tax bracket for the rich was only 24%... Today in 2009 it is 35%. But when America was at our greatest, during the 1940's-1960's, the upper tax rate for rich Americans was 88%-94%!
All through the 1950s and early 1960s the upper tax rate for the rich was over 90% and anybody old enough can tell you that those were the years when America was the strongest and happiest and most prosperous.
During those years you could make a very good living and support your family and buy a house and a car, all on just one salary, while working at the most modest jobs in America. You could have a very good life for a whole family all supported by just one 'burger-flipper, or elevator operator, or simply pumping gas! Jobs that Rush Limbaugh now mocks people for having, used to be good paying jobs.
Wake up, you've been lied to.
First, as for WWII getting us out of the Depression and not FDR's public spending... the money spent on WWII...W A S...P U B L I C...S P E N D I N G...
It was the public spending of the war, along with the FDR public works spending that ended the Great Depression. If there had been no war, then FDR would have had to spend even more money on public works in order to end the Depression.
You also must remember that this spending was not wasted because improving our Infrastructure actually increases the value of our land by making a more productive base for commerce to flourish. Better roads, rail, electric grid, communications grid, make the very land more valuable to the business world.
We paid for this by having an upper tax rate of 88% for rich people all during the 1940s and then we raised the tax rate to 94% to help pay for all of this. Our upper tax rate stayed above 90% from 1944-1963. During this time Eisenhower built our entire Interstate Expressway system!This was America at our best at our very peak!
Now our rates are all the way down to 35% for the rich and look where we are. Limbaugh and Hannity have been lying about America's tax and financial history for years. You can check these facts in any encyclopedia, or at this link...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
kevinschmidt wrote:
kevinschmidt wrote:
U.S. leaders say more infrastructure spending neededThe governor of America's largest state and the mayor of its largest city called on the federal government on Sunday to dramatically boost its spending on bridges, sewers, high-speed rail and other infrastructure.California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" the United States needs to spend up to $1.6 trillion to make up for decades of neglect and stay globally competitive."In order for the economy to thrive and live up to 100 percent of its potential, you need to move people and goods around very quickly, and so if that falls behind then the economy falls behind," said Schwarzenegger, a Republican.the three leaders said taxpayers would support additional infrastructure spending because it delivers tangible benefits. Breached levees in Iowa and New Orleans and the 2007 Minneapolis highway bridge collapse vividly illustrate the perils of allowing infrastructure to crumble, they said., massive fiscal spending on infrastructure is the key.
U.S. leaders say more infrastructure spending neededThe governor of America's largest state and the mayor of its largest city called on the federal government on Sunday to dramatically boost its spending on bridges, sewers, high-speed rail and other infrastructure.California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, along with Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" the United States needs to spend up to $1.6 trillion to make up for decades of neglect and stay globally competitive."In order for the economy to thrive and live up to 100 percent of its potential, you need to move people and goods around very quickly, and so if that falls behind then the economy falls behind," said Schwarzenegger, a Republican.the three leaders said taxpayers would support additional infrastructure spending because it delivers tangible benefits. Breached levees in Iowa and New Orleans and the 2007 Minneapolis highway bridge collapse vividly illustrate the perils of allowing infrastructure to crumble, they said., massive fiscal spending on infrastructure is the key.
The Gist of it...
Once again this morning I'm hearing the same advice from the same people who got their way for the last 30 years. George Will is still very certain that the same 'no regulation, hands off' schpiel that he and Thomas Friedman and David Brooks have always pushed, is now the answer to the problem that it caused. Friedman, who is now open to government intervention (and re-writing his own history of commentary) joins with every other tainted pundit on the left and right to agree in unison that the problem is that Obama is waiting until the 65th day of his presidency (Tuesday) to address the nation with his comprehensive plan to save the largest economy on earth from a crash that has been decades in the making.
Imagine my shock to read Friedman's last paragraph, which I believe could take the place of everything that's been said by analysts in the last two months.
T. Friedman-
"Well, help may finally be on the way: one reason we’ve been sidetracked talking about bonuses is because the big issue — the real issue — the president’s comprehensive plan to remove the toxic assets from our ailing banks, which is the key to our economic recovery, has taken a long time to hammer out. So all kinds of lesser issues and clowns have ballooned in importance and only confused people in the vacuum. Hopefully, that plan will be out by Monday, and hopefully the president will pull the country together behind it, and hopefully the lawmakers who have to approve it will remember that this is not a time for politics as usual — and that our country, alas, is not too big to fail. Hopefully ... "
Imagine my shock to read Friedman's last paragraph, which I believe could take the place of everything that's been said by analysts in the last two months.
T. Friedman-
"Well, help may finally be on the way: one reason we’ve been sidetracked talking about bonuses is because the big issue — the real issue — the president’s comprehensive plan to remove the toxic assets from our ailing banks, which is the key to our economic recovery, has taken a long time to hammer out. So all kinds of lesser issues and clowns have ballooned in importance and only confused people in the vacuum. Hopefully, that plan will be out by Monday, and hopefully the president will pull the country together behind it, and hopefully the lawmakers who have to approve it will remember that this is not a time for politics as usual — and that our country, alas, is not too big to fail. Hopefully ... "
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Maureen Dowd is Wrong
Barack is Right:
Everybody yelling about the AIG bonus bailout can be put in one of two camps.
A. Contracts are contracts. OR B. Obama should have nixed the bonuses before giving them the money.
Both camps are wrong. The stock market was still steadily tanking when WE gave AIG their last bucket of dough. It was no time to argue, the bottom might have dropped out.
By waiting until now to pick up the fight over the bonuses Obama avoided the stock plunge while still positioning himself as a people's champion. He has now forced the far right, Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz, CNBC etc. to show their true colors by defending the bonuses as valid and legal.
That's 'have your cake and eat it too' politics.
Everybody yelling about the AIG bonus bailout can be put in one of two camps.
A. Contracts are contracts. OR B. Obama should have nixed the bonuses before giving them the money.
Both camps are wrong. The stock market was still steadily tanking when WE gave AIG their last bucket of dough. It was no time to argue, the bottom might have dropped out.
By waiting until now to pick up the fight over the bonuses Obama avoided the stock plunge while still positioning himself as a people's champion. He has now forced the far right, Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz, CNBC etc. to show their true colors by defending the bonuses as valid and legal.
That's 'have your cake and eat it too' politics.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Price We Pay...
Freedom V Totalitarianism
By purchasing goods from China and allowing the United States Business community to manufacture in China and export from there back to the US we are, in a very literal sense, investing in the success of Totalitarianism and in the failure of American democracy.
Every manufacturing job that we lose to China results in an American worker losing 20-50k per year in wages as they move to low paying service industry jobs (most often). The maximum that we save by purchasing low cost goods from China is a 2-3k per year. What a horrible deal. And all of the money spent on manufacturing these imported 'goods' is sent to and spent in China, instead of being spent in the US.
And look at the 'goods' we get. They are often toxic. China has practically no human rights and environmental regulations. Their totalitarian leaders treat their people like dogs. Why should we expect them to treat us any better?
The GATT deal passed by a Republican congress and signed by a selfish Democrat (Bill Clinton) represent the most traitorous act in American history. And now China is so powerful and yet so dependent upon income from selling to us, that if we try to turn back the clock they will most likely consider it an act of war. For without the income they receive from selling us everything we buy, China would become poor and their billion people would be largely jobless and threaten revolution.
The price we pay for this devil's deal signed by Clinton and the Republican Revolutionaries may well be WWIII and the loss of Japan as a free democracy and Hawaii as a state in our nation.
By purchasing goods from China and allowing the United States Business community to manufacture in China and export from there back to the US we are, in a very literal sense, investing in the success of Totalitarianism and in the failure of American democracy.
Every manufacturing job that we lose to China results in an American worker losing 20-50k per year in wages as they move to low paying service industry jobs (most often). The maximum that we save by purchasing low cost goods from China is a 2-3k per year. What a horrible deal. And all of the money spent on manufacturing these imported 'goods' is sent to and spent in China, instead of being spent in the US.
And look at the 'goods' we get. They are often toxic. China has practically no human rights and environmental regulations. Their totalitarian leaders treat their people like dogs. Why should we expect them to treat us any better?
The GATT deal passed by a Republican congress and signed by a selfish Democrat (Bill Clinton) represent the most traitorous act in American history. And now China is so powerful and yet so dependent upon income from selling to us, that if we try to turn back the clock they will most likely consider it an act of war. For without the income they receive from selling us everything we buy, China would become poor and their billion people would be largely jobless and threaten revolution.
The price we pay for this devil's deal signed by Clinton and the Republican Revolutionaries may well be WWIII and the loss of Japan as a free democracy and Hawaii as a state in our nation.
Monday, March 16, 2009
The greatest moment in U.S. history...
I'm white. I was born in Greenville, S.C., in 1955.
I was introduced formally to the issue of racism in America when I was 8 years old.
As I sat in the back of the all-white school bus on the way home one afternoon, I heard a chant coming from a group of kids gathered at the front of the bus around the driver.
It was a haunting sing song refrain and I distinctly remember thinking (a few seconds before I could make out the words) that whatever those kids were singing was scary.
Then the words became clear to me.
They were repeating over and over "Then***** lover's dead, the n***** lover's dead."
When I got home I found my mother had come home early from work and she and our black baby sitter Mariah were huddled together on the couch crying hysterically.
They just looked at me and shook their heads and went back to crying.
By the time I was 12 my family had moved to the Atlanta area.
My younger siblings, Steve and Audrey, and I were surprised to be told one morning by our mother June that we weren't going to school that day.
She dressed us up and we went to walk in the funeral procession of Martin Luther King.
During the eulogy a large black man reached down and picked up my little blond-haired 8-year-old brother without a word and put him on his shoulders so he could see the proceedings.
Although most white people I knew growing up in the South weren't racist, I had more than enough evidence to realize that "it was out there," and I thought I had left that all behind when I moved to Boston in 1990.
Then one day as I walked down Commonwealth Avenue , in the shadow of the giant CITGO sign, I passed an elderly black man walking the opposite way on the sidewalk.
As I nodded, a car full of young white men drove past us and shouted "n*****" in unison. As I barked "F*** you!" they retorted "n***** lover!" and sped away.
I looked back at the gentleman and said, "I'm sorry about that."
He just smiled a sad smile and said, "That's OK," and kept on walking.
Ironically, that's the only time anyone ever called me that to my face - not far from John F. Kennedy's birthplace.
I don't think America is worse than other nations in terms of racism.
In some ways you can argue that the United States is the only place racially diverse enough to be considered a true test of a society's ability to peacefully integrate different races.
Barack Obama being elected president surely doesn't mean the end of racism in America, but in my opinion - and I think that of my mother June, who passed on some years back - I believe that it is the greatest moment in the history of our country.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Rush Limbaugh is a Rich Lazy Bum.
It's no wonder the Rushies rail on about Guantanamo Bay these days. All things considered it's one of their best issues.
The layoffs crisis that is at the root of our whole economic downturn goes all the way back to Clinton and the Repub's, so they've shown no leadership there.
And tell the Rushies for me, that if everybody worked as few hours per week as Rush Limbaugh then the human race would be extinct in ten years. Rush would not survive the first winter of his own accord.
This backwards blowhard actually argues 'seriously' and daily that "exercise in no way shape or form helps you to lose weight."
Rush Limbaugh is a Rich Lazy Bum.
And I am...
The layoffs crisis that is at the root of our whole economic downturn goes all the way back to Clinton and the Repub's, so they've shown no leadership there.
And tell the Rushies for me, that if everybody worked as few hours per week as Rush Limbaugh then the human race would be extinct in ten years. Rush would not survive the first winter of his own accord.
This backwards blowhard actually argues 'seriously' and daily that "exercise in no way shape or form helps you to lose weight."
Rush Limbaugh is a Rich Lazy Bum.
And I am...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Hate Cartoons
When a museum in NY city had an exhibit some years ago called 'Piss Christ' (A crucifix in a jar of urine) most of 'white America' went ballistic!
If any newspaper dared to show a cartoon of Jesus being violent or sexual or in any way offensive to Christians all hell would break loose!
But newspapers NEVER EVER print cartoons that are offensive to white Christians.
It's that simple you hateful white 'Hannitized' 'Dittoheads'!
If any newspaper dared to show a cartoon of Jesus being violent or sexual or in any way offensive to Christians all hell would break loose!
But newspapers NEVER EVER print cartoons that are offensive to white Christians.
It's that simple you hateful white 'Hannitized' 'Dittoheads'!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Darkhearted Monsters
Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough represent everything bad about the human race. They are hateful selfish jerks. As wealthy as they all are they actually have the nerve to argue that the solution to our economic crisis is to change our laws so that they don't have to pay any taxes at all for a year or so!
They are such selfish monsters that they would actually bankrupt our country for their own personal benefit. Of course if we did that, as America spiraled down into poverty and chaos they would simply hop on their private jets and go live in a country they truly love like Dubai.
How did America go to the moon? Taxes.
How did America build our superhighway system? Taxes.
How did America win WWII? Taxes.
If everybody was like Limbaugh, Hannity and Scarborough America would still be a monarchy.
They are such selfish monsters that they would actually bankrupt our country for their own personal benefit. Of course if we did that, as America spiraled down into poverty and chaos they would simply hop on their private jets and go live in a country they truly love like Dubai.
How did America go to the moon? Taxes.
How did America build our superhighway system? Taxes.
How did America win WWII? Taxes.
If everybody was like Limbaugh, Hannity and Scarborough America would still be a monarchy.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hold Your Fire!
Using Maureen Dowd’s Wednesday column as my bellweather along with the general liberal chatter, I surmise that this is the (all too predictable) day when the left jumps ship and declares that the bloom is off the rose of the Obama administration. Afterall, it’s so much easier to give up than break a sweat. Once again the ‘brave left’ surrenders unconfronted. But the media-left aren’t the ones who got Obama elected.
Barack Obama got himself elected by beating the candidate of the media-left in the primaries and appealing to people who pay no attention to the media at all. Which brings me to another point.
It is the fact that so few people are paying attention to the media that has them in such a frenzied state of micro-analysis of any political pin that drops. The truth is that each employee, from the top down at every newspaper and cable-news outlet in America fears for their job. And for good reason, they’ve been on the wrong side of the financial viability stick since long before the current economic crisis bloomed.
Newspapers are dying because of the internet and 24-7 cable news outlets were never financially viable except during hot wars, natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Cable news needs bombs (real or emotional) going off to make ends meet ratings-wise and that is just a fact. If OJ Simpson escaped prison and was hiding out in Argentina nobody in the Obama administration would be able to find a hot mic’ for a year.
The same media that never saw this financial crisis coming because they were too busy counting their money as the stock market levitated, the same media that never even noticed as our entire manufacturing base exited our borders leaving good people with bad jobs that can’t pay the rent/mortgage, the same media that drooled us into the Iraq war spending more time reminding us of how cool the ‘video missles’ from the first gulf war looked than they spent investigating the real need for a war in Iraq, this same selfish, senseless media is now declaring the Obama presidency a catastrophe, because they need a catastrophe to keep their jobs.
None of the Obama administration nominees who have withdrawn over tax problems are in any legal trouble at all. There is nothing criminal about dickering over your taxes with the IRS and paying a late fee. And yes ‘regular people’ do have the same rights and do deal with similar tax situations by the thousands on a daily basis. This is all much ado about process by a desperate media that is deathly afraid of having to leave their elite world and take a real job.
This rose has not yet begun to bloom, the stimulus bill is not written yet (and yes you do call it ‘stimulus’ even when it is only meant to keep the heart from stopping, one must first live to then walk and run). The Obama-FDR rallying speech is yet to be given. It is better that Barack lets the Republicans join in on the effort by removing the pork themselves and taking credit for it than if he had bogged himself down in those details only to have them grouse just as loudly over what’s left that they don’t like.
Mark my words media mavens, this bill will pass with bi-partisan support, fairly soon and our economy will begin to recover over the next year, but tragically, that may not be enough to keep you rich and famous.
Barack Obama got himself elected by beating the candidate of the media-left in the primaries and appealing to people who pay no attention to the media at all. Which brings me to another point.
It is the fact that so few people are paying attention to the media that has them in such a frenzied state of micro-analysis of any political pin that drops. The truth is that each employee, from the top down at every newspaper and cable-news outlet in America fears for their job. And for good reason, they’ve been on the wrong side of the financial viability stick since long before the current economic crisis bloomed.
Newspapers are dying because of the internet and 24-7 cable news outlets were never financially viable except during hot wars, natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Cable news needs bombs (real or emotional) going off to make ends meet ratings-wise and that is just a fact. If OJ Simpson escaped prison and was hiding out in Argentina nobody in the Obama administration would be able to find a hot mic’ for a year.
The same media that never saw this financial crisis coming because they were too busy counting their money as the stock market levitated, the same media that never even noticed as our entire manufacturing base exited our borders leaving good people with bad jobs that can’t pay the rent/mortgage, the same media that drooled us into the Iraq war spending more time reminding us of how cool the ‘video missles’ from the first gulf war looked than they spent investigating the real need for a war in Iraq, this same selfish, senseless media is now declaring the Obama presidency a catastrophe, because they need a catastrophe to keep their jobs.
None of the Obama administration nominees who have withdrawn over tax problems are in any legal trouble at all. There is nothing criminal about dickering over your taxes with the IRS and paying a late fee. And yes ‘regular people’ do have the same rights and do deal with similar tax situations by the thousands on a daily basis. This is all much ado about process by a desperate media that is deathly afraid of having to leave their elite world and take a real job.
This rose has not yet begun to bloom, the stimulus bill is not written yet (and yes you do call it ‘stimulus’ even when it is only meant to keep the heart from stopping, one must first live to then walk and run). The Obama-FDR rallying speech is yet to be given. It is better that Barack lets the Republicans join in on the effort by removing the pork themselves and taking credit for it than if he had bogged himself down in those details only to have them grouse just as loudly over what’s left that they don’t like.
Mark my words media mavens, this bill will pass with bi-partisan support, fairly soon and our economy will begin to recover over the next year, but tragically, that may not be enough to keep you rich and famous.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Myths of the Right...
Myth # 1
According to Hannity and Limbaugh, 'We are becoming like communist countries with our social controls over gas mileage and smoking, etc.'
Truth is,
Communist countries like Russia and China don't care a whit about smoking laws and gas mileage requirements. So if gas guzzling smokers don't like the USA, move to China or Russia!
According to Hannity and Limbaugh, 'We are becoming like communist countries with our social controls over gas mileage and smoking, etc.'
Truth is,
Communist countries like Russia and China don't care a whit about smoking laws and gas mileage requirements. So if gas guzzling smokers don't like the USA, move to China or Russia!
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