Monday, February 23, 2009

Rush Limbaugh is a Rich Lazy Bum.

It's no wonder the Rushies rail on about Guantanamo Bay these days. All things considered it's one of their best issues.

The layoffs crisis that is at the root of our whole economic downturn goes all the way back to Clinton and the Repub's, so they've shown no leadership there.

And tell the Rushies for me, that if everybody worked as few hours per week as Rush Limbaugh then the human race would be extinct in ten years. Rush would not survive the first winter of his own accord.

This backwards blowhard actually argues 'seriously' and daily that "exercise in no way shape or form helps you to lose weight."

Rush Limbaugh is a Rich Lazy Bum.

And I am...


Friday, February 20, 2009

Hate Cartoons

When a museum in NY city had an exhibit some years ago called 'Piss Christ' (A crucifix in a jar of urine) most of 'white America' went ballistic!

If any newspaper dared to show a cartoon of Jesus being violent or sexual or in any way offensive to Christians all hell would break loose!

But newspapers NEVER EVER print cartoons that are offensive to white Christians.

It's that simple you hateful white 'Hannitized' 'Dittoheads'!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Darkhearted Monsters

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough represent everything bad about the human race. They are hateful selfish jerks. As wealthy as they all are they actually have the nerve to argue that the solution to our economic crisis is to change our laws so that they don't have to pay any taxes at all for a year or so!

They are such selfish monsters that they would actually bankrupt our country for their own personal benefit. Of course if we did that, as America spiraled down into poverty and chaos they would simply hop on their private jets and go live in a country they truly love like Dubai.

How did America go to the moon? Taxes.

How did America build our superhighway system? Taxes.

How did America win WWII? Taxes.

If everybody was like Limbaugh, Hannity and Scarborough America would still be a monarchy.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hold Your Fire!

Using Maureen Dowd’s Wednesday column as my bellweather along with the general liberal chatter, I surmise that this is the (all too predictable) day when the left jumps ship and declares that the bloom is off the rose of the Obama administration. Afterall, it’s so much easier to give up than break a sweat. Once again the ‘brave left’ surrenders unconfronted. But the media-left aren’t the ones who got Obama elected.

Barack Obama got himself elected by beating the candidate of the media-left in the primaries and appealing to people who pay no attention to the media at all. Which brings me to another point.

It is the fact that so few people are paying attention to the media that has them in such a frenzied state of micro-analysis of any political pin that drops. The truth is that each employee, from the top down at every newspaper and cable-news outlet in America fears for their job. And for good reason, they’ve been on the wrong side of the financial viability stick since long before the current economic crisis bloomed.

Newspapers are dying because of the internet and 24-7 cable news outlets were never financially viable except during hot wars, natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Cable news needs bombs (real or emotional) going off to make ends meet ratings-wise and that is just a fact. If OJ Simpson escaped prison and was hiding out in Argentina nobody in the Obama administration would be able to find a hot mic’ for a year.

The same media that never saw this financial crisis coming because they were too busy counting their money as the stock market levitated, the same media that never even noticed as our entire manufacturing base exited our borders leaving good people with bad jobs that can’t pay the rent/mortgage, the same media that drooled us into the Iraq war spending more time reminding us of how cool the ‘video missles’ from the first gulf war looked than they spent investigating the real need for a war in Iraq, this same selfish, senseless media is now declaring the Obama presidency a catastrophe, because they need a catastrophe to keep their jobs.

None of the Obama administration nominees who have withdrawn over tax problems are in any legal trouble at all. There is nothing criminal about dickering over your taxes with the IRS and paying a late fee. And yes ‘regular people’ do have the same rights and do deal with similar tax situations by the thousands on a daily basis. This is all much ado about process by a desperate media that is deathly afraid of having to leave their elite world and take a real job.

This rose has not yet begun to bloom, the stimulus bill is not written yet (and yes you do call it ‘stimulus’ even when it is only meant to keep the heart from stopping, one must first live to then walk and run). The Obama-FDR rallying speech is yet to be given. It is better that Barack lets the Republicans join in on the effort by removing the pork themselves and taking credit for it than if he had bogged himself down in those details only to have them grouse just as loudly over what’s left that they don’t like.

Mark my words media mavens, this bill will pass with bi-partisan support, fairly soon and our economy will begin to recover over the next year, but tragically, that may not be enough to keep you rich and famous.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Myths of the Right...

Myth # 1
According to Hannity and Limbaugh, 'We are becoming like communist countries with our social controls over gas mileage and smoking, etc.'

Truth is,
Communist countries like Russia and China don't care a whit about smoking laws and gas mileage requirements. So if gas guzzling smokers don't like the USA, move to China or Russia!