Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tax Facts for Hannitized Ditto-Heads.

Welcome new visitors to Superleft. I hope you heard my 'guest spot' on C-Span Sunday morning (I was just a caller) you can e-mail me at
Here is a re-post of the message I referred to on C-Span. The facts can be checked here

In 1929 when the stock market crashed, the upper tax bracket for the rich was only 24%... Today in 2009 it is 35%. But when America was at our greatest, during the 1940's-1960's, the upper tax rate for rich Americans was 88%-94%!

All through the 1950s and early 1960s the upper tax rate for the rich was over 90% and anybody old enough can tell you that those were the years when America was the strongest and happiest and most prosperous.

During those years you could make a very good living and support your family and buy a house and a car, all on just one salary, while working at the most modest jobs in America. You could have a very good life for a whole family all supported by just one 'burger-flipper, or elevator operator, or simply pumping gas! Jobs that Rush Limbaugh now mocks people for having, used to be good paying jobs.

Wake up, you've been lied to.

First, as for WWII getting us out of the Depression and not FDR's public spending... the money spent on WWII...W A S...P U B L I C...S P E N D I N G...

It was the public spending of the war, along with the FDR public works spending that ended the Great Depression. If there had been no war, then FDR would have had to spend even more money on public works in order to end the Depression.

You also must remember that this spending was not wasted because improving our Infrastructure actually increases the value of our land by making a more productive base for commerce to flourish. Better roads, rail, electric grid, communications grid, make the very land more valuable to the business world.

We paid for this by having an upper tax rate of 88% for rich people all during the 1940s and then we raised the tax rate to 94% to help pay for all of this. Our upper tax rate stayed above 90% from 1944-1963. During this time Eisenhower built our entire Interstate Expressway system!This was America at our best at our very peak!

Now our rates are all the way down to 35% for the rich and look where we are. Limbaugh and Hannity have been lying about America's tax and financial history for years. You can check these facts in any encyclopedia, or at this link...