Sunday, February 8, 2009

Darkhearted Monsters

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough represent everything bad about the human race. They are hateful selfish jerks. As wealthy as they all are they actually have the nerve to argue that the solution to our economic crisis is to change our laws so that they don't have to pay any taxes at all for a year or so!

They are such selfish monsters that they would actually bankrupt our country for their own personal benefit. Of course if we did that, as America spiraled down into poverty and chaos they would simply hop on their private jets and go live in a country they truly love like Dubai.

How did America go to the moon? Taxes.

How did America build our superhighway system? Taxes.

How did America win WWII? Taxes.

If everybody was like Limbaugh, Hannity and Scarborough America would still be a monarchy.

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