Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Iran hoopla...

I think that there is clearly a PR campaign going on concerning this issue which is designed to roil Iranian and US relations. By who? Probably the same old culprits, the Neo-Convicts and AIPAC...Here's what I mean.

Why is everyone so 'sure' that the election was stolen when no one has any pre- or post- election polls to go by?

Why is there so little mention that the challenger has been a big part of Iranian gov. for years, so he's not such a 'revolutionary' as he is portrayed?

We already take it for granted that Iran is a theocracy and the numbers of people in the streets is small compared to the total population.

No one reporting ever mentions that our biggest trading partner never even pretends to hold elections....China. And yet so many are clearly pushing for Obama to threaten Iran...

This whole thing smells just like the phony build-up to the Iraq war.

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